

class deepdespeckling.denoiser.Denoiser[source]

Bases: object

Class to share parameters beyond denoising functions

get_device() str[source]

Get torch device to use depending on gpu’s availability


device to be used by torch

Return type:

device (str)

initialize_axis_range(image_axis_dim: int, patch_size: int, stride_size: int) list[source]

Initialize the convolution range for x or y axis

  • image_axis_dim (int) – axis size

  • patch_size (int) – patch size

  • stride_size (int) – stride size


pixel borders of each convolution

Return type:

axis_range (list)



deepdespeckling.despeckling.despeckle(sar_images_path: str, destination_directory_path: str, model_name: str = 'spotlight', patch_size: int = 256, stride_size: int = 254, symetrise: bool = True)[source]

Despeckle coSAR images using trained MERLIN (spotlight or stripmap weights) or SAR2SAR

  • sar_images_path (str) – path of sar images

  • destination_directory_path (str) – path of folder in which results will be stored

  • model_name (str) – model name, either “spotlight”, “stripmap” or “Sentinel_TOPS” to select MERLIN model on the right cosar image format or “sar2sar” for SAR2SAR model. Default to “spotlight”

  • patch_size (int) – patch size. Defaults to constant PATCH_SIZE.

  • stride_size (int) – stride size. Defaults to constant STRIDE_SIZE.

  • symetrise (bool) – if using spotlight or stripmap model, if True, will symetrise the real and imaginary parts of the noisy image. Defaults to True

deepdespeckling.despeckling.despeckle_from_coordinates(sar_images_path: str, coordinates_dict: dict, destination_directory_path: str, model_name: str = 'spotlight', patch_size: int = 256, stride_size: int = 254, symetrise: bool = True)[source]

Despeckle specified area with coordinates in coSAR images using trained MERLIN (spotlight or stripmap weights)

  • sar_images_path (str) – path of sar images

  • coordinates_dict (dict) – dictionary containing pixel boundaries of the area to despeckle (x_start, x_end, y_start, y_end)

  • destination_directory_path (str) – path of folder in which results will be stored

  • model_name (str) – model name, either “spotlight”, “stripmap” or “Sentinel_TOPS” to select MERLIN model on the right cosar image format or “sar2sar” for SAR2SAR model. Default to “spotlight”

  • patch_size (int) – patch size. Defaults to constant PATCH_SIZE.

  • stride_size (int) – stride size. Defaults to constant STRIDE_SIZE.

  • symetrise (bool) – if using spotlight or stripmap model, if True, will symetrise the real and imaginary parts of the noisy image. Defaults to True

deepdespeckling.despeckling.despeckle_from_crop(sar_images_path: str, destination_directory_path: str, model_name: str = 'spotlight', patch_size: int = 256, stride_size: int = 254, fixed: bool = True, symetrise: bool = True)[source]

Despeckle specified area with an integrated cropping tool (made with OpenCV) in coSAR images using trained MERLIN (spotlight or stripmap weights)

  • sar_images_path (str) – path of sar images

  • destination_directory_path (str) – path of folder in which results will be stored

  • patch_size (int) – patch size. Defaults to constant PATCH_SIZE.

  • stride_size (int) – stride size. Defaults to constant STRIDE_SIZE.

  • model_name (str) – model name, either “spotlight”, “stripmap” or “Sentinel_TOPS” to select MERLIN model on the right cosar image format or “sar2sar” for SAR2SAR model. Default to “spotlight”

  • fixed (bool) – If True, crop size is limited to 256*256. Defaults to True

  • symetrise (bool) – if using spotlight or stripmap model, if True, will symetrise the real and imaginary parts of the noisy image. Defaults to True


class deepdespeckling.model.Model(device: str, height: int, width: int)[source]

Bases: Module

forward(x: array) array[source]

Defines a class for an autoencoder algorithm for an object (image) x

An autoencoder is a specific type of feedforward neural networks where the input is the same as the output. It compresses the input into a lower-dimensional code and then reconstruct the output from this representattion. It is a dimensionality reduction algorithm

  • x (np.array)

  • image (a numpy array containing)


  • x-n (np.array)

  • a numpy array containing the denoised image i.e the image itself minus the noise


class deepdespeckling.merlin.merlin_denoiser.MerlinDenoiser(model_name, symetrise, **params)[source]

Bases: Denoiser

Class to share parameters beyond denoising functions

denoise_image(noisy_image: array, patch_size: int, stride_size: int) dict[source]

Preprocess and denoise a coSAR image using given model weights

  • noisy_image (numpy array) – numpy array containing the noisy image to despeckle

  • patch_size (int) – size of the patch of the convolution

  • stride_size (int) – number of pixels between one convolution to the next


noisy and denoised images

Return type:

despeckled_image (dict)

denoise_image_kernel(noisy_image: tensor, denoised_image: array, x: int, y: int, patch_size: int, model: Model, normalisation_kernel: bool = False) array[source]

Denoise a subpart of a given symetrised noisy image delimited by x, y and patch_size using a given model

  • noisy_image (torch tensor) – symetrised noisy image to denoise

  • denoised_image (numpy array) – symetrised partially denoised image

  • x (int) – x coordinate of current kernel to denoise

  • y (int) – y coordinate of current kernel to denoise

  • patch_size (int) – patch size

  • model (Model) – trained model with loaded weights

  • normalisation_kernel (bool, optional) – Determine if. Defaults to False.


image denoised in the given coordinates and the ones already iterated

Return type:

denoised_image (numpy array)

denoise_images(images_to_denoise_path: list, save_dir: str, patch_size: int, stride_size: int)[source]

Iterate over a directory of coSAR images and store the denoised images in a directory

  • images_to_denoise_path (list) – a list of paths of npy images to denoise

  • save_dir (str) – repository to save sar images, real images and noisy images

  • patch_size (int) – size of the patch of the convolution

  • stride_size (int) – number of pixels between one convolution to the next

init_min_max_norm_values() Tuple[float, float][source]

Initialize min and max values for normalization depending on model name


Max and min values for SAR image normalization

Return type:

Tuple[float, float]

init_model_weights_path() str[source]

Get model weights path from model name


the path of the weights of the specified model

Return type:

model_weights_path (str)

load_model(patch_size: int) Model[source]

Load model with given weights

  • weights_path (str) – path to weights

  • patch_size (int) – patch size


model loaded with stored weights

Return type:

model (Model)

preprocess_denoised_image(denoised_image_real_part: array, denoised_image_imaginary_part: array, count_image: array) tuple[array, array, array][source]

Preprocess given denoised real and imaginary parts of an image, and build the full denoised image

  • denoised_image_real_part (numpy array) – real part of a denoised image

  • denoised_image_imaginary_part (numpy array) – imaginary part of a denoised image

  • count_image (numpy array) – normalisation image used for denormalisation


processed denoised full image, processed denoised image real part, processed denoised image imaginary part

Return type:

denoised_image, denoised_image_real_part, denoised_image_imaginary_part (numpy array, numpy array, numpy array)

preprocess_noisy_image(noisy_image: array) tuple[array, array, array][source]

preprocess a given noisy image and generates its real and imaginary parts


noisy_image (numpy array) – noisy image


preprocessed noisy image, real part of noisy image, imaginary part of noisy image

Return type:

noisy_image, noisy_image_real_part, noisy_image_imaginary_part (numpy array, numpy array, numpy array)

save_despeckled_images(despeckled_images: dict, image_name: str, save_dir: str)[source]

Save full, real and imaginary part of noisy and denoised image stored in a dictionary in png to a given folder

  • despeckled_images (dict) – dictionary containing full, real and imaginary parts of noisy and denoised image

  • image_name (str) – name of the image

  • save_dir (str) – path to the folder where to save the png images


class deepdespeckling.sar2sar.sar2sar_denoiser.Sar2SarDenoiser(**params)[source]

Bases: Denoiser

Class to share parameters beyond denoising functions

denoise_image(noisy_image: array, patch_size: int, stride_size: int) dict[source]

Preprocess and denoise a coSAR image using given model weights

  • noisy_image (numpy array) – numpy array containing the noisy image to despeckle

  • patch_size (int) – size of the patch of the convolution

  • stride_size (int) – number of pixels between one convolution to the next


denoised image

Return type:

output_image (numpy array)

denoise_image_kernel(noisy_image_kernel: tensor, denoised_image_kernel: array, x: int, y: int, patch_size: int, model: Model, normalisation_kernel: bool = False) array[source]

Denoise a subpart of a given symetrised noisy image delimited by x, y and patch_size using a given model

  • noisy_image_kernel (torch tensor) – part of the noisy image to denoise

  • denoised_image_kernel (numpy array) – part of the partially denoised image

  • x (int) – x coordinate of current kernel to denoise

  • y (int) – y coordinate of current kernel to denoise

  • patch_size (int) – patch size

  • model (Model) – trained model with loaded weights

  • normalisation_kernel (bool, optional) – Determine if. Defaults to False.


image denoised in the given coordinates and the ones already iterated

Return type:

denoised_image_kernel (numpy array)

denoise_images(images_to_denoise_path: list, save_dir: str, patch_size: int, stride_size: int)[source]

Iterate over a directory of coSAR images and store the denoised images in a directory

  • images_to_denoise_path (list) – a list of paths of npy images to denoise

  • save_dir (str) – repository to save sar images, real images and noisy images

  • patch_size (int) – size of the patch of the convolution

  • stride_size (int) – number of pixels between one convolution to the next

denormalize_sar_image(image: array) array[source]

Denormalize a sar image stored in a numpy array


image (numpy array) – a sar image


TypeError – raise an error if the image file is not a numpy array


the image denormalized

Return type:

(numpy array)

load_model(patch_size: int) Model[source]

Load model with given weights

  • weights_path (str) – path to weights

  • patch_size (int) – patch size


model loaded with stored weights

Return type:

model (Model)

save_despeckled_images(despeckled_images: dict, image_name: str, save_dir: str)[source]

Save full, real and imaginary part of noisy and denoised image stored in a dictionary in png to a given folder

  • despeckled_images (dict) – dictionary containing noisy and denoised image

  • image_name (str) – name of the image

  • save_dir (str) – path to the folder where to save the png images


deepdespeckling.utils.utils.compute_psnr(Shat: array, S: array) float[source]

Compute Peak Signal to Noise Ratio

  • Shat (numpy array) – a SAR amplitude image

  • S (numpy array) – a reference SAR image


psnr value

Return type:

res (float)

deepdespeckling.utils.utils.create_empty_folder_in_directory(destination_directory_path: str, folder_name: str = 'processed_images') str[source]

Create an empty folder in a given directory

  • destination_directory_path (str) – path pf the directory in which an empty folder is created if it doest not exist yet

  • folder_name (str, optional) – name of the folder to create. Defaults to “processed_images”.


path of the created empty folder

Return type:


deepdespeckling.utils.utils.crop_image(image: array, image_path: str, cropping_coordinates: list, model_name: str, processed_images_path: str)[source]

Crop an image using given cropping coordinates and store the result in a given folder

  • image (numpy array) – image to be cropped

  • image_path (str) – path of the image

  • cropping_coordinates (list) – list of coordinates of cropping, format [(x1, y1), (x2, y2)]

  • model_name (str) – name of the model (stripmap, spotlight or sar2sar)

  • processed_images_path (str) – path of the folder where to store the cropped image in npy format

deepdespeckling.utils.utils.denormalize_sar_image(image: array, M: float = 10.089038980848645, m: float = -1.429329123112601) array[source]

Denormalize a sar image store in a numpy array

  • image (numpy array) – a sar image

  • M (float) – global maximum used for normalisation

  • m (float) – global minimum used for normalisation


TypeError – raise an error if the image file is not a numpy array


the image denormalized

Return type:

(numpy array)

deepdespeckling.utils.utils.denormalize_sar_image_sar2sar(image: array) array[source]

Denormalize a sar image store i a numpy array


image (numpy array) – a sar image


TypeError – raise an error if the image file is not a numpy array


the image denormalized

Return type:

(numpy array)

deepdespeckling.utils.utils.get_cropping_coordinates(image: array, destination_directory_path: str, model_name: str, fixed: bool = True)[source]

Launch the crop tool to enable the user to select the subpart of the image to be despeckled

  • image (numpy aray) – full image to be cropped

  • destination_directory_path (str) – path of a folder to store the results

  • model_name (str) – model name to be use for despeckling. Default to “spotlight”

  • fixed (bool, optional) – whether the area of selection has a fixed size of not. Defaults to True.

deepdespeckling.utils.utils.get_cropping_coordinates_from_file(destination_directory_path: str) list[source]

Get cropping coordinates from a file where it’s stored


destination_directory_path (str) – path of the file in which the cropping coordinates are stored


list containing cropping coordinates

Return type:

cropping_coordinates (list)

deepdespeckling.utils.utils.get_maximum_patch_size(kernel_size: int, patch_bound: int) int[source]

Get maximum manifold of a number lower than a bound

  • kernel_size (int) – the kernel size of the trained model

  • patch_bound (int) – the maximum bound of the kernel size


the maximum patch size

Return type:

maximum_patch_size (int)

deepdespeckling.utils.utils.get_maximum_patch_size_from_image_dimensions(kernel_size: int, height: int, width: int) int[source]

Get the maximum patch size from the width and heigth and the kernel size of the model we use

  • kernel_size (int) – the kernel size of the trained model

  • height (int) – the heigth of the image

  • width (int) – the width of the image


the maximum patch size to use for despeckling

Return type:

maximum_patch_size (int)

deepdespeckling.utils.utils.load_sar_image(image_path: str) array[source]

Load a SAR image in a numpy array, use cos2mat function if the file is a cos file, load_tiff_image if the file is a tiff file


image_path (str) – absolute path to a SAR image (cos or npy file)


the image of dimension [ncolumns,nlines,2]

Return type:

image (numpy array)



Loads files , resize them and append them into a list called data

param filelist:

type filelist:

a path to a folder containing the images


A list of images

deepdespeckling.utils.utils.normalize_sar_image(image: array) array[source]

normalize a sar image store in a numpy array


image (numpy array) – the image to be normalized


normalized image

Return type:

(numpy array)

deepdespeckling.utils.utils.preprocess_and_store_sar_images(sar_images_path: str, processed_images_path: str, model_name: str = 'spotlight')[source]

Convert coSAR images to numpy arrays and store it in a specified path

  • sar_images_path (str) – path of a folder containing coSAR images to be converted in numpy array

  • processed_images_path (str) – path of the folder where converted images are stored

  • model_name (str) – model name to be use for despeckling

deepdespeckling.utils.utils.preprocess_and_store_sar_images_from_coordinates(sar_images_path: str, processed_images_path: str, coordinates_dict: dict, model_name: str = 'spotlight')[source]

Convert specified areas of coSAR images to numpy arrays and store it in a specified path

  • sar_images_path (str) – path of a folder containing coSAR images to be converted in numpy array

  • processed_images_path (str) – path of the folder where converted images are stored

  • coordinates_dict (dict) – dictionary containing pixel boundaries of the area to despeckle (x_start, x_end, y_start, y_end)

  • model_name (str) – model name to be use for despeckling. Default to “spotlight”

deepdespeckling.utils.utils.preprocess_image(image: array, threshold: float) array[source]

Preprocess image by limiting pixel values with a threshold

  • image (numpy array) – image to preprocess

  • threshold (float) – pixel value threshold


image to be saved

Return type:

image (cv2 Image)

deepdespeckling.utils.utils.preprocess_sar_image_for_cropping(image: array, model_name: str) array[source]

Preprocess image to use the cropping tool

  • image (numpy array) – image from which we get cropping coordinates by using the cropping tool

  • model_name (str) – name of the model (stripmap, spotlight or sar2sar)


image preprocessed for cropping

Return type:

image (cv2 image)

deepdespeckling.utils.utils.save_image_to_npy_and_png(image: array, save_dir: str, prefix: str, image_name: str, threshold: float)[source]

Save a given image to npy and png in a given folder

  • image (numpy array) – image to save

  • save_dir (str) – path to the folder where to save the image

  • prefix (str) – prefix of the image file name

  • image_name (str) – name of the image file

  • threshold (float) – threshold of image pixel values used for png conversion

deepdespeckling.utils.utils.save_image_to_png(image: array, threshold: int, image_full_path: str)[source]

Save a given image to a png file in a given folder

  • image (numpy array) – image to save

  • threshold (float) – threshold of pixel values of the image to be saved in png

  • image_full_path (str) – full path of the image


TypeError – if the image is not a numpy array

deepdespeckling.utils.utils.symetrise_real_and_imaginary_parts(real_part: array, imag_part: array) tuple[array, array][source]

Symetrise given real and imaginary parts to ensure MERLIN properties

  • real_part (numpy array) – real part of the noisy image to symetrise

  • imag_part (numpy array) – imaginary part of the noisy image to symetrise


symetrised real and imaginary parts of a noisy image

Return type:

np.real(ima2), np.imag(ima2) (numpy array, numpy array)


deepdespeckling.utils.load_cosar.cos2mat(path_to_cosar_image: str) array[source]

Convert a CoSAR imge to a numpy array of size [ncolumns,nlines,2]


path_to_cosar_image (str) – path to the image which is a cos file


the image in a numpy array

Return type:

numpy array

deepdespeckling.utils.load_cosar.load_tiff_image(path_to_tiff_image: str) array[source]

Load a tiff image in a numpy array using gdal library


path_to_tiff_image (str) – path to a tiff image


numpy array containing the tiff image

Return type:

(numpy array)