Welcome to XPER documentation 📚!
This website contains the documentation for installing and contributing to XPER, details on the API, and a comprehensive list of the references of the datasets, models and metrics implemented.
Free software: MIT license
GitHub: https://github.com/hi-paris/XPER
pip install XPER
Example of use of the library
import XPER
1️⃣ Load the Data 💽
from XPER.datasets.load_data import loan_status
import pandas as pd
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
loan = loan_status().iloc[:, :6]
X = loan.drop(columns='Loan_Status')
Y = pd.Series(loan['Loan_Status'])
X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, Y, test_size=0.15, random_state=3)
2️⃣ Load the trained model or train your model ⚙️
from xgboost import XGBClassifier
import xgboost as xgb
# Create an XGBoost classifier object
gridXGBOOST = xgb.XGBClassifier(eval_metric="error")
# Train the XGBoost classifier on the training data
model = gridXGBOOST.fit(X_train, y_train)
3️⃣ Monitor Performance 📈
from XPER.compute.Performance import ModelPerformance
# Define the evaluation metric(s) to be used
XPER_ = ModelPerformance(X_train.values, y_train.values, X_test.values, y_test.values, model)
# Evaluate the model performance using the specified metric(s)
PM = XPER_.evaluate(["AUC"])
# Print the performance metrics
print("Performance Metrics: ", round(PM, 3))
For use cases above 10 feature variables it is advised to use the default option kernel=True for computation efficiency ➡️
# Option 1 - Kernel True
# Calculate XPER values for the model's performance
XPER_values = XPER_.calculate_XPER_values(["AUC"])
# Option 2 - Kernel False
# Calculate XPER values for the model's performance
XPER_values = XPER_.calculate_XPER_values(["AUC"], kernel=False)
4️⃣ Visualisation 📊
import pandas as pd
from XPER.viz.Visualisation import visualizationClass as viz
labels = list(loan.drop(columns='Loan_Status').columns)
Bar plot
viz.bar_plot(XPER_values=XPER_values, X_test=pd.DataFrame(X_test), labels=labels, p=6, percentage=True)
Beeswarn plot
viz.beeswarn_plot(XPER_values=XPER_values, X_test=pd.DataFrame(X_test), labels=labels)
Force plot
viz.force_plot(XPER_values=XPER_values, instance=1, X_test=X_test, variable_name=labels, figsize=(16,4))
Hué, Sullivan, Hurlin, Christophe, Pérignon, Christophe and Saurin, Sébastien. “Measuring the Driving Forces of Predictive Performance: Application to Credit Scoring”. HEC Paris Research Paper No. FIN-2022-1463, Available at https://ssrn.com/abstract=4280563 or https://arxiv.org/abs/2212.05866, 2023.